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Apr 26, 2008
Loi de l'emmerdeur maximum
Pourquoi y a t-il toujours un con pour faire marcher sa tondeuse à gazon dès qu'il fait beau et nous pourrir, ainsi qu'aux oiseaux, la plus que rare partie de jardin ?
Apr 25, 2008
Galaxies too make love
Latest Hubble telescope pictures of galactic collisions
Galaxies love and death dance
Stunning newly released images !
Galaxies love and death dance
Stunning newly released images !
Apr 23, 2008
Bilinguisme des transports à Bruxelles mon cul
Test : allez sur le site de la STIB pour rechercher un trajet en transport en commun
Indiquez un nom de rue en français comme lieu de départ et un nom de rue en néerlandais comme lieu d'arrivée => Le serveur plante. Faites l'inverse => Le serveur replante.
Vous êtes un imbécile car vous êtes tenu de connaître le nom des rues de manière linguistiquement homogène !
Quoi ? Vous ne savez pas que Bodegem s'écrit Bodeghem en français ?!?@§]# Enfin tout le monde sait ça, ça saute aux yeux, espèce d'âne !
Indiquez un nom de rue en français comme lieu de départ et un nom de rue en néerlandais comme lieu d'arrivée => Le serveur plante. Faites l'inverse => Le serveur replante.
Vous êtes un imbécile car vous êtes tenu de connaître le nom des rues de manière linguistiquement homogène !
Quoi ? Vous ne savez pas que Bodegem s'écrit Bodeghem en français ?!?@§]# Enfin tout le monde sait ça, ça saute aux yeux, espèce d'âne !
Apr 22, 2008
Why I wish Obama will be the next US president
Although I read 2 of his recent biographies in magazines, I must admit I still know little of Barack OBAMA, especially since, as a European, I feel quite disconnected from a half-USian/half-African who grew up in Indonesia and looks like a Harlem preacher.
So why should I wish him to be elected ?
First, just because he is different, just because he grew up abroad, precisely because his mother was a marginal academic turned towards the world, I think OBAMA can cure the number one US illness : Ignorance of the outside world. Surely a guy with such a mother will not candidly believe that he can turn the muslim world into instant democracies just by snapping his fingers...hopefully ! It can't be worse than it is now anyway, for that matter. And if he also believes such nonsense, I won't give a damn any more...
Second, because he is black, and not any black, but a half-African USian, his election would be a shock wave to the world, and especially to the third world, which resents so much the US policies of the last 2 centuries. It will bring the tremendous message to the world that colour doesn't matter anymore, to Africans, to black USians but also to the Caribbean, Central & South America, Asia and...the Muslim world ! And this by far exceeds the symbol that electing a woman would represent. If they haven't held it for themselves yet, women have already shared power in the USA, which is especially true in the case of Hillary Clinton. Coloured people haven't.
The day OBAMA is elected, anti-US activism and subsequent terrorism will plummet, simply because most of it arises from racial or cultural resentment. Africans, Middle-Easterners or South American Indians don't feel 'connected' to the USA. OBAMA's election will suddenly change that dramatically.
Finally, if Barack OBAMA doesn't sound very experienced, he sounds generous, and we can only hope that the vast corruption that currently pervades the USA will be curbed under his presidency and that poor people to which he already dedicated much of his time and energy will eventually have decent healthcare.
So why should I wish him to be elected ?
First, just because he is different, just because he grew up abroad, precisely because his mother was a marginal academic turned towards the world, I think OBAMA can cure the number one US illness : Ignorance of the outside world. Surely a guy with such a mother will not candidly believe that he can turn the muslim world into instant democracies just by snapping his fingers...hopefully ! It can't be worse than it is now anyway, for that matter. And if he also believes such nonsense, I won't give a damn any more...
Second, because he is black, and not any black, but a half-African USian, his election would be a shock wave to the world, and especially to the third world, which resents so much the US policies of the last 2 centuries. It will bring the tremendous message to the world that colour doesn't matter anymore, to Africans, to black USians but also to the Caribbean, Central & South America, Asia and...the Muslim world ! And this by far exceeds the symbol that electing a woman would represent. If they haven't held it for themselves yet, women have already shared power in the USA, which is especially true in the case of Hillary Clinton. Coloured people haven't.
The day OBAMA is elected, anti-US activism and subsequent terrorism will plummet, simply because most of it arises from racial or cultural resentment. Africans, Middle-Easterners or South American Indians don't feel 'connected' to the USA. OBAMA's election will suddenly change that dramatically.
Finally, if Barack OBAMA doesn't sound very experienced, he sounds generous, and we can only hope that the vast corruption that currently pervades the USA will be curbed under his presidency and that poor people to which he already dedicated much of his time and energy will eventually have decent healthcare.
Apr 21, 2008
La connerie régionaliste belge contribue au réchauffement climatique
Les taxis de l'aéroport de Zaventem, qui se trouve en dehors des "frontières" de la région bruxelloise, ne sont pas autorisés à prendre des passagers à Bruxelles. Or la plupart de leurs courses sont vers Bruxelles. Moralité, ils reviennent tous à vide, ce qui signifie que le carburant utilisé pour revenir à Zaventem est vaporisé sans aucune justification. Bonjour l'environnement ! Merci le fédéralisme !
La Belgique n'atteindra pas les engagements qu'elle a pris dans le cadre du protocole de Kyoto...on comprend mieux pourquoi !
La Belgique n'atteindra pas les engagements qu'elle a pris dans le cadre du protocole de Kyoto...on comprend mieux pourquoi !
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