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Jul 25, 2008
FOXNews.com - French Scientists Find New Alien World
Fox News crediting the French equates to a miracle !
Historical Scottish National Party victory in old Labour Glasgow !
Scottish independence is on the way...
Jul 24, 2008
India's Dalit icon aims for top job !
Jul 23, 2008
Organized pedophilia by Mormons
I hope the bastard will get life in a hard Texas prison along with all his inbred hillbilly accomplices...

Jul 22, 2008
Jul 21, 2008

If you're desperate for authenticity, fun and emotion, instead of going to see "bienvenue chez les Chti's", go watch "Eldorado". I loved it! Belgium truer than reality, and the deep soul of men. Both desperate and heartening. Also learn why I detest the countryside.
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