Apr 12, 2008

Ethnic map of Balkans

for those who still are convinced ethnically defined countries make sense...How many more of them shall they carve ?
What about the Aromanians ? The Tatars ?...


Unknown said...

Hello, my friend. This is Brent from Orkut. I've missed you there. By the way, you have a fascinating blog. Clara gave me the link.

I think that your map of the Balkan ethnicities is pre-WWI (pre-Ataturk) in origin. I don't have any proof, but it is the immediate instinctual feeling upon seeing where the map plots the Greek population to live.

Unknown said...

Hi Brent, nice to hear from you again through Clara. Long time no read !
I had been expelled from Orkut, denounced for indecency by a young Turk, ironically, since I am a promoter of EU Turkey membership, if you remember well...
Indeed this forgotten map is pre-WWI. A french one. I have it in cardboard on my study's wall... I like these old school maps. They remind us of the underlying historical significance hidden by modern times and demagogues who deliberately simplify it. Like the Chinese, the Arabs or the Persians, and unlike most westerners, I believe in long history...I believe even disappeared/exterminated populations leave deep tracks long time after they've gone. I still can percceive the Avars or the Sarmats here and there...
The Aromanian presence in Greece and Bulgaria, and the Tatar presence in Bulgaria is still present, if somewhat more blurred and ever more hidden nowadays...
I still highly appreciate your comments. You're welcome anytime.

Unknown said...

I forgot to mention that my purpose with this map was mainly to draw attention to the boiling pot that Macedonia still constitutes : Macedonia has only 2 million people but 3 religions detesting each other and 8 ethnic groups (since the Jews there have been exterminated) : Albanians (25% of the population), Turks, assimilated Bulgars, Aromanians/Vlachs, assimilated Greeks, Romas and Serbs, and of course so-called 'Macedonians'.
In short, Macedonia is a completely artificial concept which has no sense at all since the Federation of Yugoslavia exploded, thanks to the thoughtlessness and ignorance of western leaders Helmut Kohl, François Mitterand and Bill Clinton.
Greater Albania is on its way...

Anonymous said...

Americans have solved this problem very easily. For Americans, there are only two ethnicities: The Whites and Everyone-Else. LOL.

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